martes, 9 de junio de 2009


by Alvaro Chacón V.

Antonio Meucci was an Italian scientist and inventor. He was born in Florence in 1808.
In the 1850s he started designing telephone gadgets as a result of his investigations. He needed to be in touch with his wife because she was very ill, so he installed his telephone to have contact between the basement, where he had his studio, and the first floor of his house, where his wife stayed on a bed.
Mr. Meucci didn’t have enough money to patent his invention so he presented it to a company but they didn’t show any interest on it; however the papers he presented wasn’t given back to him and later Alejandro Graham Bell got a copy of the invention.
Mr. Bell patented the telephone as his own invention and he has been known as the original inventor.
On the 11th of June 2002, the Unite States Congress according to Resolution #269 recognized Antonio Meucci as the real telephone’s inventor.

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