lunes, 8 de junio de 2009



First of all is important to say that communication is between a transmitter, who needs to send a message and a receiver, who the message is sent to.
It is always important to do a research or to analyze something located into the context to get a more objective approach.
This presentation wasn’t done with the idea of talking about technical and professional definitions of the different ways of communication. It was done thinking about how the ways to communicate has been developed throughout history with the idea of sending a message in a more direct and fast way.
Smoke signals: Made with smoke columns that gave different messages depending on the color, intensity and shape. It was used to sending fast messages across long distance. We still use smoke signals to make public that a new Pope has been chosen.
Sound from drums and horns were used with the same proposal in past times, sending messages about someone was arriving or warning about an event.
Carrier pigeons: were used to send messages to cover long distance. It probably was one of the first moments that human beings tried to use the sky for their necessities.
Drawings: Drawings were used to let messages and to tale stories through generations and time.

Even though the printing had already been invented in China in 1041, it was until 1450 that printing was improved by Gutenberg who was able to create letters with different and specific sizes to print on sheets. This advance allowed replacing handwriting books by printed books.

In 1854 Antonio Meucci invented the telephone such as we know it today, but it was patented by Alejandro Graham Bell.

Between 1850 and 1900; Popov, Tesla and Marconi made improvements contributing to the development of the radio. Probably the highest success of the radio is the possibility to reach a bigger market with fewer budgets.
In 1900 Constantin Perski introduced the first concept of television talking about transmission and reception of images in motion.

In 1936 the first computer was being built, using an area of 167m2 and with a weight of 27 Ton. Usually that computer needed about one week to process some information. With the invention of the computer, there were needed to connect computers to each other with the idea of sharing information and in the 1980s that technology started expanding around the world.
In the 1990s the World Wide Web was introduced and it allowed the access to more information and supporting the fast development of the global economy.
Nowadays there are a lot of great inventions that try to combine the different kind of ways to communicate. Gadgets with tv, radio, internet access, messenger that make easier the communication.

We need to understand those gadgets and inventions as ways to communicate in a world of globalization, of technology, of consumerism. But probably something unimportant for us is the best way of communication for others.

And we need to understand that probably the most important gadget to communicate something would be a gadget that translates what the Earth, the Nature and the Environment need to say to the mankind.

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